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7. Juni 2024
15:00 Uhr

16:00 Uhr
Zoom Meeting

ARTS+ Coffee and Connect Call #4


We want to connected as a whole network for about one hour. SPECIAL GUEST: Natalie Meeks! You don’t need to register, simply just log in, and join us with your coffee/tea in hand. We will meet as broader ARTS+ network on Zoom.

Special Guest in June: 

Natalie Meeks from Bridge Builders International who will share insights from their work with Artists (ImagoDei) in the Baltics (like Hamlet a kind of “Open Mic Night” in Riga and their ImagiNations Retreat in Latvia.)

Agenda for “Coffee Call”:  

*Meet, eat, and greet


*Meet the Authors/ Contributors

*Time to ask questions, connect and reconnect

*Pray together.

Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 892 8126 2524

Passcode: coffee

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8. Februar 2025

Mit Kunst und Musik durch die Psalmen mit Gott in Dialog treten

Friesenberg Kirche   Zürich, Bus 32, 89, 73 bis Bushaltestelle Friesenbergstrasse

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