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And God Said “It Is Good”

When art is reduced to self-expression, it risks losing its ultimate purpose. But prior to the Greek philosophers are the first recorded words of our Creative God: “It is good.” Why did He say this? Why did He repeat it so many times? What did He mean? How does this narrative inform not only our understanding of God and His redemptive plan, but also the way we understand our callings as artists?

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Micha Aregger

Skulptur, Installation, Malerei, Bildende Kunst, Objekte
Aufgewachsen bin ich in Buttisholz. Nach einer technischen Berufslehre, studierte ich 5 Jahre an der Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst in Luzern und schloss 2004 ab. In der darauffolgenden Zeit hat sich, durch das wachsende Interesse an Naturwissenschaften, meine charakteristische, organische


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